Monday, 11 January 2010

Easy Net provides continuous internet surfing for only 2.5 Riyals / Hour

Saudi Telecom (STC) announced today the launch of  Easy Net new promotion which will enable customers to surf the internet through (Dial up) service just for 2.5 Riyal/ per hour.  The new promotion will last for two months starting from Saturday, 14th February, 2009.
 Customers will be able to access the internet service through using the dial up with the number (3660077). In addition to, they will enjoy this service with no need to subscribe or purchase internet cards as well as providing flexibility of choices to enable customers to move between Internet Service Providers with no concern about subscription contracts or penalty fees.
Saudi Telecom (STC) pointed out that customers will be charged for internet fees through receiving the bill with their landline bill. 
This promotion comes under the STC continuous efforts and pioneering role in providing broadband services via Afaq DSL Shamel and Dial up service.  Moreover, allowing customers to enjoy internet services in many different ways to help developing customer’s culture and education skills with low price.

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